Grafton Jacaranda Festival

Grafton Jacaranda Festival

The Grafton Jacaranda Festival runs annually and  is a colourful celebration of the hundreds of gorgeous jacaranda trees which line Grafton’s streets.

The festival is held over ten days with the main market event happening on the Thursday. The festival also has a wide range of events and activities, including art exhibitions, live music performances, markets, and parades. The festival culminates in a float parade on Saturday afternoon followed by a sunset concert on the Riverbank. The festival has been running for over 80 years and is the longest-running floral festival in Australia.

The festival attracts visitors from all over the world who come to see the beautiful purple blossoms of the jacaranda trees. The festival is also an opportunity for local artists, craftspeople, and sporting groups to showcase their work. Visitors can enjoy a range of activities such as Jacaranda Queen crowning ceremony, Drag Queen bingo, and buzzy markets.

The Grafton Jacaranda Festival is not just about celebrating the beauty of nature but also about celebrating regional life. It’s a time when people come together to celebrate everything that’s great about living in regional Australia. The festival is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcoming spirit.

In conclusion, the Grafton Jacaranda Festival is a must-visit event for anyone who loves nature and regional life. It’s an opportunity to immerse oneself in ten glorious days of celebration and fun. So come along and raise a glass of something good to the all-too-brief natural wonder of the blossoming Jacarandas. Here’s to everything that’s great about regional life!

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  • Established: 1934
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Thu 30 Oct 2025


7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Stall Fee



Prince Street
Prince Street, Grafton NSW 2460
Market State
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